Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lost Amazon Pics!

These pictures have found there way onto other forms of social media, but I think all of my wonderful supporters here on  "A Stone's Throw" deserve to see them too! These are all original shots, all taken by me while in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

A young group of boys preparing to dance a traditional native dance for the presenting of the spears. They are performing at a local dance exhibition
A beautiful dance from the coastal region of Ecuador. You have to rent these dresses by the hour!

Monka, an old Houarani warrior who spends his free time hunting and taking us gringos on jungle tours. Apparently he still reminisces about the days when he was slingin spears at those pesky oil men. He's 80 now. A lot has changed for him due to our civilization, I feel bad for the guy.

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