Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lima: Street Art Hunting In No-Gringo Zones

           So my day started with an early morning protest going on across the street, with the long line of protesters being ushered along by Riot Police. After a cup of coffee, I went for a walk, where I encountered a political rally in San Martin Plaza. This vibrant city definitely has a loud and vibrant voice. This manifests itself in the beautiful architecture, the political protests, the striking colors of the buildings, and the amazing abundance of street art that catches the eye at every turn.
                 With these thoughts firmly in my head, I decided to go on a hunt for some of Lima's best street art in its historic center. As one might imagine, the best street art is often in the worst neighborhoods of any city. Generally the places where the people have a hard time accessing traditional means of a public voice, tend to foster the rise of street art as a way communicate their messages.                         Although I'm sure I didn't even touch a fraction of the incredible art to be found in Lima, my hunt was fun and thrilling (It literally felt like a hunt as I stalked the places, then popped out my camera for a quick shot. All the while knowing that it could get me robbed or killed in some of the areas I went to... Lots of adrenaline in this one haha). Well, please enjoy my catch of the day and leave dozens of comments!

A beautiful bulding in one of Lima's less gringo friendly neighborhoods... 
The political rally in San Martin Plaza, featuring big heads!
Plaza 2nd of May, the heart of Lima's vibrant music district, famous for beautiful blue buildings housing dozens of music stores and schools. Also not a gringo safe area.
Protests against the bullfight season that is taking place at this time.

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