Monday, October 28, 2013

Coca: Hit the Zoo, Find Love Too!

The mascot at a local colloseum... its an oil droplet. Running with a torch. Well... safety first here in Ecuador!

                  So I have now become famous for making blueberry pancakes here in Ecuador. It started as a joke but the family said they really wanted to try them, so I searched far and wide and not only found real, fresh, blueberries (one in a million shot at that haha) but also real maple syrup (good ole McCormick brand). So I got up a the crack of dawn to make some blueberry pancakes for the kids before school, and they liked them so much I was asked for a double encore. I was super happy they liked them, even if they seemed doubtful that you were supposed to put the syrup all over the pancakes haha. 
                 A few days later, Lady and her boss took me to the zoo outside of town. It was small, but packed with really cool animals. There were parrots, javalie (big wild pigs), anacondas, and little anteaters that roamed wild with some of the monkeys and played around your feet... definitely cool! Lady happened to make firends with a mokey, who was a little too friendly! He fell in love instantly (understandable if you knew Lady) and started following her around his cage, and going absolutely insane when I hugged her. The scene was too funny to have made up, and it  made me realize that I guess true love does exist! The zoo trip made for a great day, and a fun way to get to know some of the Amazon´s more rare creatures.

Two beautiful Macaws resting in the shade to escape the overbearing Amazonian heat
They don't look like much, but these are oficially the best blueberry pancakes ever made (in Coca Ecuador)!

Un ratito for a big pig here in the amazin Amazon

Lady's new boyfirend... hes a hairy fella and pretty jealous too haha
An Anteater teaming up with a squirrel to make a beak for it... until they both lost interest and decided... mañana!

Time to eat, now get out of my way!
A tired lil deer... how cool!

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